The Warrior ​Weekly

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Sandra ​Roussell

Staff Spotlight

Sandra Roussell has worked in various positions in her 22 years at Riverdale and is ​currently the main office attendance secretary. She is an essential part of the RHS ​community. Her warm and welcoming demeanor makes students and staff alike feel ​comfortable and valued. She does an excellent job building relationships with parents ​and students. She is always willing to take a minute to listen and give advice. From ​answering phone calls to managing attendance records, Sandra is a true professional ​who takes pride in her work. It's no wonder that she is so highly respected by everyone ​at RHS. We are lucky to have her as a member of our team!

Student Spotlight

Amari Creasey is an outstanding student who always comes prepared and remains focused on ​the task at hand. She has already been accepted to her top-choice college and is driven, ​ambitious, and hardworking. Amari's presence in class is a delight, as she is always willing to ​assume leadership roles and assist others in achieving success. Her enthusiastic attitude also ​serves as the class cheerleader, motivating everyone. Additionally, Amari is a Work-Based ​Learning student whose supervisor evaluations are consistently exceptional. Her supervisors ​praise her for consistently going beyond the call of duty in her work. Moreover, Amari is a ​member of the Riverdale Honors College and SkillsUSA. Thank you for being an excellent ​example to everyone at RHS.

Amari Creasey

Wooden Hanging Sign Board



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warrior ​media

STARS counseling

Jackie Hills is the STARS counselor at RHS. She is on campus five days a week for student services.

Ms. Hills can be reached by email at

and by phone number at 615-890-6450, ext. 23670. Please feel free to call or email with any Mental Health concerns.

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Donations ​needed

We have opened a free store for ​our students that are in need. ​We have items such as ​toiletries, feminine products, ​toothpaste, school supplies, ​backpacks, and snacks ​available. If you would like to ​make a donation to our

"Hotel-Motel" store, you can ​bring these items to the front ​office between 7:45 and 4:00. ​Thank you.

Community service

If you need community service ideas, check out the ​TN Achieves (TN Promise) Community Service Ideas ​page. These hours will count toward your TN Promise ​requirement and may also count toward other school ​organization requirements.

TN achieves

Summer Travel Opportunity

Summer 2025

Interest meeting ​scheduled for​ February 8th​

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Paying for things is now easier

Click the box below to register for SchoolCash. Pay for game tickets, ​dues, jerseys, etc. all in one place.

Click this LINK or use ​the QR code to sign ​up for ACT ​Bootcamp 2024.

Parents and Partners of Riverdale High ​School

We will be conducting our 2nd ACT ​bootcamp at the beginning of March!

If you would like to donate snacks to ​help fuel our students, please drop them ​off at the main office

ATTN: Penny Kell

ACT bootcamp coordinator

We are looking for individually wrapped ​items such as:



granola bars

fruit snacks

pop tarts


fun size candy

We appreciate your support!

JUNIORS (and any undecided ​Seniors)!!

THE HUGE TACRAO Spring College Fair is ​coming to Riverdale on Wednesday, ​February 14, 2024. 25 or more colleges ​will be here on our campus to talk to you ​about your future!! They will be in the ​hallways and cafeteria area from 11:30 ​-1! This is an amazing opportunity for you ​to be in touch with so many colleges all ​at one time! Please take advantage of ​this so they keep including Riverdale on ​their tour!

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Voter ​Registration ​Drive

Click HERE to ​register

Warrior News

Congratulations to our amazing Advanced Art ​Honors Students!

This year, out of over 1,500 participants, the ​following students placed in a Gold or Silver category ​at the Middle TN Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. ​They will be honored next month while their art is ​displayed at the Cheekwood mansion in Nashville.

Kacy Momon- Gold key, Senior Portfolio

Lilian Green- Gold key, Drawing & Illustration, ​"Autism's Mask"

Bee Crowell- Silver key, Ceramics & Glass,

"Love Spell"

This is a huge honor for students! Additionally, our ​gold key winners will go on to compete at the ​national level, potentially having their winning pieces ​on display in New York City. Please congratulate ​these students, and wish Kacy & Lilian good luck!

Yearbook Information

Information for Seniors

The graduation date is Friday, May​ 17 at 7:00 p.m. Graduation will ​take place at MTSU's Murphy Ce​nter. Practice will be on Friday​ morning from 8 to 11. Attendance​ at practice is mandato​ry.

Attention Parents

On January 10th we held meetings with our ​seniors where we reviewed some important ​information related to graduation. Your ​senior obtained the relevant documentation ​and a form that requires signatures from the ​student and parent. If your senior has not ​discussed this meeting with you yet, please ​inquire about it as soon as possible. We ​would appreciate it if you could sign the ​forms and have them returned to your ​student's English teacher at your earliest ​convenience.

Does your student need a little ​extra help with their school work?

Try Paper

Paper is a free tutoring service ​open to all Rutherford County ​students. The tutors at Paper ​provide homework help, writing ​support, and ACT Prep support. ​They also have tutors that speak ​multiple languages.

Warrior Sports

Swim Team News

We took 8 swimmers to the MTHSSA ​regional championships and had a ​total of 17 races. 14 of those 17 ​races were life time best times. ​These kids worked hard all year and ​it shows! After a week off from snow ​this meet was a fight the entire ​time. We have county ​championships coming up and are ​taking at least two swimmers to the ​state championships.

Austin Davis 11th grade

50 free life time best -.37. 21st place

100 free life time best -1.20. 25th place

George Ebrahim 10th grade

200 free life time best -6.22. 22nd place

500 free life time best -20.87. 15th place

Michael Johnson McIntyre 11th grade

200 IM life time best -5.36. 28th place

100 fly life time best -6.20. 50th place

Gavin Johnson 10th grade

100 free life time best -4.57. 65th place

Boys 200 freestyle relay season best -1.42 ​18th place

Boys 400 freestyle relay season best -3.61 ​18th place

Grace Secker 9th grade

50 free life time best -.53. 56th place

500 free life time best -1.95. 24th place

Hannah Secker 10th

200 IM 47th place

100 yard breaststroke life time best -0.35 20th ​place

Addie whitworth 11th grade

50 freestyle 96th place

100 freestyle 77th place

Girls 200 medley Relay

Season best -.53. 24th place

Girls 200 freestyle relay

Season best. -.75. 26th place

Warrior Sports

The cheerleaders are leaving for NHSCC ​(National High School Cheerleading ​Championships) on February 7th to ​defend their title from last year. The ​competition will run that entire weekend ​and they will return on Wednesday, 2/14. ​Their final showcase for the season is this ​Sunday, February 4th at Blackman HS at 2 ​p.m. as a send-off celebration.

Warrior Sports

Visit the RHS ​Sports website


Dance team

Practice is every Monday, ​Wednesday and Thursday ​from 3:45 to 5:45.

Warrior Sports