The Warrior Weekly
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Matt Smith
Staff Spotlight
Mr. Smith is a theater teacher at Riverdale. He is responsible for not only teaching students, but also for the production of the school plays each semester, including the current production of The Little Mermaid. Not only is he directing the play, building sets, and setting the lights, he is also playing King Triton in the student cast and the Chef in the alumni version. He is a teacher that people can come to with their problems, even if they just need someone to listen.
Student Spotlight
Carlie consistently displays a positive attitude in class, showing diligence in her work and courtesy towards all students, making her a delightful presence in the classroom. She is a dedicated worker who excels at overcoming challenges. Engaged in Beta, Cheerleading, and achieving outstanding academic results, Carlie is a well-rounded student. As a member of the track team, she leads by example and demonstrates exceptional teamwork. Even in challenging situations, Carlie remains respectful and serves as a positive role model for everyone at RHS.
Carlie Hawkins
STARS counseling
Jackie Hills is the STARS counselor at RHS. She is on campus five days a week for student services.
Ms. Hills can be reached by email at
and by phone number at 615-890-6450, ext. 23670. Please feel free to call or email with any Mental Health concerns.
Donations needed
We have opened a free store for our students that are in need. We have items such as toiletries, feminine products, toothpaste, school supplies, backpacks, and snacks available. If you would like to make a donation to our
"Hotel-Motel" store, you can bring these items to the front office between 7:45 and 4:00. Thank you.
Community service
If you need community service ideas, check out the TN Achieves (TN Promise) Community Service Ideas page. These hours will count toward your TN Promise requirement and may also count toward other school organization requirements.
Summer Travel Opportunity
Summer 2025
We’re spending 11 days traveling the Alps and the Mediterranean Coast in June of 2025.
Check out the itinerary HERE. If you are interested in traveling with us, see Mrs. Boyd in E-6 or contact her by email at
D&D Club
Did you catch the D&D bug thanks to Stranger Things, but struggled to find a group to join? Perhaps you were already familiar but faced the same issue - getting people together regularly can be challenging. Maybe you're totally new to Dungeons and Dragons and just need the right opportunity to give it a try!
Exciting news for all of you – Mrs. Riddle is planning to kick off an afterschool D&D club. If you're interested, please fill out the linked form. Completing the survey does not commit you to sign up; it simply helps us gather information to gauge potential interest. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to see Mrs. Riddle in classroom D2. With enough responses, we can progress to the next steps and start scheduling official meetings.
A big THANK YOU to everyone who donated snacks for our ACT Bootcamp. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Voter Registration Drive
Click HERE to register
National Honor Society
NHS seniors must pay for graduation cords by March 22 if you want to wear one at graduation. Bring $15 cash or check made out to Riverdale High School to Ms. Hensley’s room, BN-10 in the annex or pay using School Cash online.
Information for Seniors
The graduation date is Friday, May 17 at 7:00 p.m. Graduation will take place at MTSU's Murphy Center. Practice will be on Friday morning from 8 to 11. Attendance at practice is mandatory.
Attention Parents
On January 10th we held meetings with our seniors where we reviewed some important information related to graduation. Your senior obtained the relevant documentation and a form that requires signatures from the student and parent. If your senior has not discussed this meeting with you yet, please inquire about it as soon as possible. We would appreciate it if you could sign the forms and have them returned to your student's English teacher at your earliest convenience.
Warrior News
FCCLA competition teams are working on the final touches of getting their projects ready for competition. FCCLA State convention will be held in Gatlinburg, TN March 20 -22. If they make it to Nationals, they will be going to Seattle, Washington this summer from Jun 29 - Jul 3. The competitors will be competing in the following categories:
Chapter Service Project Display - Mary Puac-Perez, Adysen Segroves, Evie Harlan
Chapter Service Project Portfolio - Sabrya Thomas
Focus on Children - Alexandra Barajas
Does your student need a little extra help with their school work?
Try Paper
Paper is a free tutoring service open to all Rutherford County students. The tutors at Paper provide homework help, writing support, and ACT Prep support. They also have tutors that speak multiple languages.
Warrior Sports
Visit the RHS Sports website
Volleyball try-outs will be May 24th from 11:30 AM-1:30 PM in the main gym. All interested athletes must be 100% in Final Forms in order to try out. Please see Coach Rhinehart in CN-6 if you have any questions.
Volleyball Tryouts
Lady Warriors Soccer
2024 Season Conditioning
It is highly recommended that athletes attend conditioning, and ALL paperwork must be turned in before ANY participation. These sessions only include current Riverdale Students!
Conditioning will be every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 3:40pm, meet in the library starting the first week of March.
Tennis shoes, weather/running appropriate attire & LOTS of water! You will be assigned workouts as a group and have a set workout for each day. Workouts will be no more than an hour! You will be able to leave as soon as your workout is completed. SIX players will be chosen each day to work on ball mastery and technical skills.
Tryouts will be held June 3rd, June 4th and June 5th from 8:00-10:00 a.m. for any student interested in becoming a dedicated and hard-working soccer player! Practices will start June 6th and June 7th!
Tryouts will be held on the soccer field next to the annex building.
Paperwork needs to be turned in before tryouts, this includes returning players. I will not accept paperwork at tryouts!!
Physical – Must be up to date within the last year at all times!
Every participant must have completed the following in order to participate. Forms are located on the Final Forms app.
Parents - Please email me at if you have any questions or concerns.
Dance team
Practice is every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:45 to 5:45.