The Warrior ​Weekly

Sunday, March 17, 2024​

Matt Smith

Staff Spotlight

Mr. Smith is a theater teacher at Riverdale. He is responsible for not only teaching students, but also for ​the production of the school plays each semester, including the current production of The Little ​Mermaid. Not only is he directing the play, building sets, and setting the lights, he is also playing King ​Triton in the student cast and the Chef in the alumni version. He is a teacher that people can come to ​with their problems, even if they just need someone to listen.

Student Spotlight

Carlie consistently displays a positive attitude in class, showing diligence in her work and courtesy towards ​all students, making her a delightful presence in the classroom. She is a dedicated worker who excels at ​overcoming challenges. Engaged in Beta, Cheerleading, and achieving outstanding academic results, Carlie is ​a well-rounded student. As a member of the track team, she leads by example and demonstrates exceptional ​teamwork. Even in challenging situations, Carlie remains respectful and serves as a positive role model for ​everyone at RHS.

Carlie Hawkins

Wooden Hanging Sign Board



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warrior ​media

STARS counseling

Jackie Hills is the STARS counselor at RHS. She is on campus five days a week for student services.

Ms. Hills can be reached by email at

and by phone number at 615-890-6450, ext. 23670. Please feel free to call or email with any Mental Health concerns.

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Donations ​needed

We have opened a free store for ​our students that are in need. ​We have items such as ​toiletries, feminine products, ​toothpaste, school supplies, ​backpacks, and snacks ​available. If you would like to ​make a donation to our

"Hotel-Motel" store, you can ​bring these items to the front ​office between 7:45 and 4:00. ​Thank you.

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Paying for things is now easier

Click the box below to register for SchoolCash. Pay for game tickets, ​dues, jerseys, etc. all in one place.

Community service

If you need community service ideas, check ​out the TN Achieves (TN Promise) ​Community Service Ideas page. These hours ​will count toward your TN Promise ​requirement and may also count toward ​other school organization requirements.

TN achieves

Summer Travel Opportunity

Summer 2025

We’re spending 11 days traveling the ​Alps and the Mediterranean Coast in ​June of 2025.

Check out the itinerary HERE. If you ​are interested in traveling with us, see ​Mrs. Boyd in E-6 or contact her by ​email at

D&D Club

Did you catch the D&D bug thanks to ​Stranger Things, but struggled to find a ​group to join? Perhaps you were already ​familiar but faced the same issue - ​getting people together regularly can be ​challenging. Maybe you're totally new to ​Dungeons and Dragons and just need ​the right opportunity to give it a try!

Exciting news for all of you – Mrs. Riddle ​is planning to kick off an afterschool ​D&D club. If you're interested, please fill ​out the linked form. Completing the ​survey does not commit you to sign up; ​it simply helps us gather information to ​gauge potential interest. If you have any ​questions, don't hesitate to see Mrs. ​Riddle in classroom D2. With enough ​responses, we can progress to the next ​steps and start scheduling official ​meetings.

Interest Form

A big THANK YOU to ​everyone who donated ​snacks for our ACT ​Bootcamp. Your support is ​greatly appreciated.

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Voter ​Registration ​Drive

Click HERE to ​register

National Honor ​Society

NHS seniors must ​pay for graduation ​cords by March 22 if ​you want to wear ​one at graduation. ​Bring $15 cash or ​check made out to ​Riverdale High ​School to Ms. ​Hensley’s room, BN-​10 in the annex or ​pay using School ​Cash online.

Information for Seniors

The graduation date is Friday, May ​17 at 7:00 p.m. Graduation will take ​place at MTSU's Murphy Center. ​Practice will be on Friday morning ​from 8 to 11. Attendance at ​practice is mandatory.

Attention Parents

On January 10th we held meetings with our ​seniors where we reviewed some important ​information related to graduation. Your ​senior obtained the relevant documentation ​and a form that requires signatures from the ​student and parent. If your senior has not ​discussed this meeting with you yet, please ​inquire about it as soon as possible. We ​would appreciate it if you could sign the ​forms and have them returned to your ​student's English teacher at your earliest ​convenience.

Yearbook Information

Warrior News


FCCLA competition teams are working on the final touches of getting their projects ready for ​competition. FCCLA State convention will be held in Gatlinburg, TN March 20 -22. If they make it ​to Nationals, they will be going to Seattle, Washington this summer from Jun 29 - Jul 3. The ​competitors will be competing in the following categories:

Chapter Service Project Display - Mary Puac-Perez, Adysen Segroves, Evie Harlan

Chapter Service Project Portfolio - Sabrya Thomas

Focus on Children - Alexandra Barajas

Does your student need a little ​extra help with their school work?

Try Paper

Paper is a free tutoring service ​open to all Rutherford County ​students. The tutors at Paper ​provide homework help, writing ​support, and ACT Prep support. ​They also have tutors that speak ​multiple languages.

Warrior Sports

Visit the RHS ​Sports website


Volleyball try-outs will be May 24th ​from 11:30 AM-1:30 PM in the main ​gym. All interested athletes must ​be 100% in Final Forms in order to ​try out. Please see Coach Rhinehart ​in CN-6 if you have any questions.

Volleyball ​Tryouts


Lady Warriors Soccer

2024 Season Conditioning

It is highly recommended that athletes attend conditioning, and ALL paperwork must be ​turned in before ANY participation. These sessions only include current Riverdale ​Students!

Conditioning will be every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 3:40pm, meet ​in the library starting the first week of March.

Tennis shoes, weather/running appropriate attire & LOTS of water! You will be assigned w​orkouts as a group and have a set workout for each day. Workouts will be no more than a​n hour! You will be able to leave as soon as your workout is completed. SIX players will be c​hosen each day to work on ball mastery and technical skills.


T​ryouts will be held June 3rd, June 4th and June 5th from 8:00-10:00 a.m. for any student i​nterested in becoming a dedicated and hard-working soccer player! Practices will start J​une 6th and June 7th!

T​ryouts will be held on the soccer field next to the annex building.

P​aperwork needs to be turned in before tryouts, this includes returning players. I will not a​ccept paperwork at tryouts!!



P​hysical – Must be up to date within the last year at all times!

E​very participant must have completed the following in order to participate. Forms are l​ocated on the Final Forms app.

P​arents - Please email me at if you have any questions or concerns.

Dance team

Practice is every Monday, ​Wednesday and Thursday ​from 3:45 to 5:45.